The Graduate Program in Physical Geography offers four research areas and the opportunity to collaborate with other disciplines.
Geographical information: processing, representation, and analysis Interdisciplinary studies in Pedology and Geomorphology
In this line, research is conducted on the following topics: graphic representations and teaching; geoprocessing and applications; geocartography: themes and methods; social and inclusive cartography, participatory mapping. This line encompasses research conducted in the following topics: theories, methods, and techniques in pedology and geomorphology; geomorphological and pedological cartography; evolution and dynamics of landforms; evolution and dynamics of soils; morphogenesis and pedogenesis: processes and representations; fluvial geomorphology, hydrographic basins, and water resources; coastal geomorphology; assessment of anthropogenic interventions in landscape dynamics; quaternary geomorphology and applied geomorphology.
Theoretical and applied studies in Climatology Landscape and environmental planning
In this line of research, studies are developed in the following areas: urban climatology; climate and territorial planning; climate variability; global climate change; and interactions between the atmosphere and the Earth's surface. In this line of research, studies are developed in the following areas: protected areas: conservation design and socio-environmental conflicts; landscape dynamics, natural resources, and environmental planning; general landscape theory; cultural landscapes, natural heritage, perception, and tourism; biogeography and environmental conservation; environment and health; natural disasters.